Micro Lesson 3: Reflection

    Micro Lesson 3: Reflection

    Instructional Decisions/Teaching (InTask Standard # 9): 
I thought that overall my lesson went very well. Out of the three micro lessons that I wrote this one was my favorite. My students really enjoyed the two videos I showed and I think this was a great way to get them familiar with parts of a graph. They also had fun playing the “plotting coordinates game” that I had them play. Finally, my final assessment really got their attention and I feel like my students stayed actively engaged throughout the whole lesson. I do think that if I were to teach this lesson to 4th grade students I would choose an assessment that had less plot to graph because they seemed to get a little confused when drawing the dinosaur. My objectives and standards were well maintained during the whole lesson. For this lesson, the only modification I made was for students who finished their online game quickly could look around the website at other math games while we waited for the other students to finish.

2.      Mechanics:
The technology that I integrated for this lesson included two Youtube videos as well as a fun math game. The videos were used to help the students gain an understanding of different parts of a graph and the game was utilized in order to have students practice plotting points on a coordinate plane. My lesson was within the correct time frame because I learned from Micro lesson 2 and prepared a lot more material for my students.

3.      Assessment of Learning (InTask Standard # 6): 
For this lesson, I had my students complete the HARD level of the math game: plotting coordinates. Once they completed the game I had them take a Snippet of their score and email it to me so that I could see how they did. I also collected their final assessment where they plotted several coordinate points in order to create a dinosaur. My students level of success was very high during this lesson. They all seemed to understand and could identify the parts of a graph and they all graphed coordinates correctly. I felt like I had a great amount of success while teaching this lesson. I was well prepared and was comfortable with my material. My classmates thought that this was a well written lesson and that I kept my students engaged throughout the entire lesson.

4. What did you learn from designing and teaching this lesson and how will you use this in the creation of future lessons/learning activities.
I learned a lot from creating and teaching this lesson. I learned that it’s better to have extra material than not enough material. I also learned that if you make the final assessment fun and exciting the students will most likely enjoy doing it. Finally, my students really seemed to remember the parts of a graph since the material was formatted into a song.


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