Technology Resource for TEACHERS!

Hello Everybody!!!

I believe that integrating technology into the classroom is very important these days, seeing as though our world is transforming into a more technology based kind of place.

There are tons of different technology resources out there for teachers to utilize but one of my personal favorites is POWTOON!!

POWTOON is a website that allows you to create cute animated videos to show to your class. The best part is that you can sign up for a FREE account and I don't know about you but I love FREE resources.

Watch this slide show that I have created to learn more about this awesome resource and create your free account so that you can start making fun and exciting videos for your students today!!!

Click HERE to view slide show


  1. I loved this presentation! The resource you talked about was very intriguing. I how you gave us an adorable example of a way to utilize the app. my only question would be at what grade or age level would this be appropriate for? Great presentation otherwise!

  2. I seriously love the resource that you shared! I think it is such a useful tool for teachers who want to teach elementary. It can be used in so many different ways, and I am so happy that you took the time to demonstrate one of those ways. Your PowToon was SO cute; thank you for sharing Tayla!

  3. Hi Tayla,

    I really liked your technology resource "powtoon," I think you presented the information on this resource very well. The information, description, and examples helped paint a portrait of the capabilities of this program. I will definitely be using this program in my future classroom. Thank you for you for presenting this resource.

  4. Tayla,
    I really loved your technology resource "Powtoon" One of my favorite things about POWTOON is that it uses a rocket ship and a countdown for giving bell-work in the morning. A second way is that you can use this resource for a great anticipatory set. Great job on your presentation.

  5. Hi Tayla,

    I really enjoyed listening to your presentation on PowToon! I have seen some videos made with the resource before, but I didn’t know much about it until now. It seems like a very creative way to engage students in tasks- much different from standing in front of the class and orally providing directions. After viewing your presentation again, I have a few questions. You mentioned several times that PowToon can be used by both teachers and students. Did you find the video challenging to make? I’m curious about which developmental levels would be the best fit for a program like this (upper elementary, middle school, etc.). Also, about how long does it take to put together a complete video?

    I think that this resource would serve as a great performance assessment for students. Once they have mastered a specific objective, they could demonstrate their learning by creating a video. Teachers would likely need to make a rubric for scoring purposes, but students would enjoy the freedom to be creative. I also think it would challenge them to create a presentation that stands out from the rest. A project like that really invests students in their work. One activity that I saw some teachers using for my educational resource, Pixie/Wixie, was called a “book trailer.” It essentially entailed having students read a book and create a trailer that would interest others in reading the book. I think PowToon would be perfect for that kind of activity! If this were to happen, do teacher have the ability to access students’ videos after they are made, or do the students need to log in and present them in person?


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