Micro Lesson 1: Sequencing Events

Reflection- Assessing Prior Knowledge and Planning Instructions:

o   What do the students need to know prior to the lesson?
Prior to the lesson the students will need to know the basic concept of a story, things such as: characters in a story, how to identify the beginning, middle and end of a story, the title of a story and even how to ask questions about a story.
Students will also need to know how to safely use a computer and the internet. They will also need to know how to type on a keyboard and use the resource Storybird to successfully complete the project that will be assigned.

o   How will prior knowledge and experience be assessed?
Prior knowledge and experience will be assessed within previous lessons. The students have already done a project using Storybird and have already been taught how to use it as well as been assessed on the skill.
o  How will you use this information in the planning process?
I will use my previous knowledge from other lessons to help me with my planning process. This will help me because I know what students still need clarification with using Storybird or even with typing on a keyboard. Also with results from previous literacy lessons I will be able to gage my questions so that my students are reviewing what we have previously learned as well as grasping the new material at the same time.  

o   Why should the content of this lesson be taught at this grade level?
The content of this lesson should be taught to third grade students because it is centered toward the third-grade standards. Also, the story that is being read out loud is a third-grade level story.

o   How do the objectives that you have for the lesson align with the standards?
The objectives that I wrote for the lesson align with the standards because I rewrote the standards in objective form so that the students could benefit from the standard as a whole.

o   When will the lesson be taught in the course of the school year? Why?
This lesson will be taught towards the beginning of the school year because it will be used as a stepping stone for more challenging lessons.

       Reflection-Designing Instructions:
  -Why are you using the instructional methods you have described?
I am using the instructional methods that I have described so that I can keep my students engaged in the learning throughout the whole lesson.

-How do the instructional methods align with what you know about best practices (think about your methods classes)?
My instructional methods align with what I have been taught about best practices because like I previously stated, my students stay engaged throughout the whole lesson. They think individually, they share their thoughts with a shoulder partner. They also get a chance to work with a team to put the sequence of events from the story in order. Working as a group will help the students that are confused about the topic. Finally, the students are asked to combine everything they learned throughout their lesson and create their own story line with at least four main events. This project helps to assess the students overall knowledge from the lesson.

-How are you engaging students in creative and higher order thinking?
I am engaging my students in creative and higher order thinking by asking them questions to have them analyze the story. I am also engaging my students in higher level thinking by assigning a project where they must create their own story line with their own sequence of events. With this teaching method, my students must take what they learned and work backwards by creating their sequence of events first and creating a creative story around the events.

     Reflection- Planning Assessment:

-How does the assessment align with the standards and objectives of this lesson?
This assessment aligns with the standards and objectives because it requires students to create characters in their story that contribute to the overall sequence of events throughout the story. It also requires them to think about questions that their readers may ask throughout their story and address them as best as they can through their storyline.

-How does the assessment demonstrate that the students have been successful in learning the content?
The assessment will demonstrate if the student understands the concept of a sequence of events in a story line as well as how the main character contributes to the events. Their understanding will reflect through the story that they create.  
 -How does the assessment demonstrate student engagement in higher order thinking?
The assessment demonstrates student engagement in higher order thinking because the students must take their knowledge and work backwards to create their own story.

-How does the assessment demonstrate that the individual student needs were met?
The assessment demonstrates that the individual students needs were met because the project can easily be modified by the teacher to accommodate particular students.  

Reflection- How does your lesson meet each of the ISTE NET’s Standards?
o   How does your lesson meet Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity?
My lesson inspires creativity because it requires students to create their own story.

o   How does your lesson meet Standard 2: Provide Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessment?
My lesson includes digital age learning because students are asked to use the internet, a computer, a keyboard and an online resource for their final project.

o   How does your lesson meet Standard 3: Model Digital Age Work & Learning?
My lesson includes digital age modeling because I provide an example to my students of how a finished digital story book should look.

o   How does your lesson meet all four elements of Standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Age Citizenship and Responsibility by:
§  advocating, modeling, and teaching safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.
§  addressing the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources.
§  promoting and modeling digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information.
§  developing and modeling cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools.
My lesson promotes correct use of digital citizenship and responsibility because I remind my students what is appropriate and what is not appropriate when working online. I also model this as well.

Lesson Plan Link!!!


  1. Tayla-
    I love your lesson plan I think that its very age appropriate for 3rd grade students. This is a very good lesson plan idea to use with multiple short stories. Incorporating story bird to your lesson plan is such a wonderful way to incorporate technology into your classroom. This lesson serves as good example for students to collaborate among each other. I also really enjoyed reading your story book example this will really help students understand what is exactly that you are looking for. he rubric you have added for student assessment is very simple and easy to follow. Great Job Tayla!

  2. Tayla-
    This lesson was very well thought out. The use of shoulder partners during reading the story around is very effective because its keeps the students engaged in the lesson. One thing I might suggest is for the students with a cognitive delay or even for ELL students, creating the final project may be more difficult and take them a lot longer to create so pairing them up with other students or even having the project be a pair assignment will help with the whole class to be able to completely finish the assignment with all the required elements. This can also help to take the pressure off of those students who may struggle already with the content or even their motor capabilities. Lots of good questioning is implemented throughout the lesson and this is very good for keeping the students aware and engaged of the objective of the lesson. Very well planned out and standard are utilized all within. Thank you for sharing this great lesson plan!

  3. Tayla,

    I enjoyed reading through your lesson and learning about your planning and preparation. I think your implementation of Storybird is a great resource for sequencing, and will get your third graders excited to use technology for their assignment! It will also allow them to express their creativity, which I see is an important part of your rubric. Great Job! Does Storybird have an App? It might be easier for students, who use an IPad as a speaking device or struggle with motor skills, to do this assignment on there; if applicable. Thanks for sharing, I look forward to you teaching this lesson in class!

  4. Hello Tayla,

    You have placed a considerable amount of creativity into your lesson plan. I appreciate the detail and technological resources utilized throughout. I have used Shorebird for a different lesson plan I created and I loved it, so I know it will be successful in your lesson plan. You use evidence-based strategies to implement this lesson, with collaborative learning. Videos are incredibly engaging for students of all ages! Great ideas


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