Global Digital Citizenship Reflection

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Global Digital Citizenship Reflection

1. In what learning environments would the technology resource I presented be appropriate?     The technology resource that I presented was Powtoon and if this resource is used efficiently it could potential be used in all learning environments as long as culture is taken into consideration. I used an example in my presentation where the teacher created a fun Powtoon to present the daily bell work. Creating bell work with this resource can fit all four categories of global digital citizenship including: Safe, Ethical, and Legal Use of Technology, Socially Responsible Digital Use, Equitable Access of Technology and Global Awareness/ Cultural Understanding. Creating a video for your students to view is a safe way to use this source because the teacher is presenting the source in class and the students are not actually going on the internet themselves. The students don't need their own access to technology for this strategy and although they should be aware of safety issues with the internet as well as how to use it appropriately they do not need to know this specifically for the bell work strategy that I presented.  

2. In what learning environments would the technology resource I presented NOT be appropriate?
The learning environments in which this technology resource, Powtoon would not be appropriate would be if students were assigned a project where they had to make a Powtoon video and they were not aware of how to responsibly use technology. It is important that students have correct Netiquette when using the internet. It is also important that they know how to safely navigate through the internet. Students need to be aware of safety procedures before working online. Also if students did not have access to technology this could keep them from being able to create the assignment which could hurt their grade if other arrangements were not being made by the parents or the teacher.

3. How might it be modified to be appropriate?
To prevent inappropriate things from happening when the students are completing this assignment using Powtoon the teacher could go over internet safety procedures before explaining what is expected from the assignment. The teacher could also inform the parents via email or take home newsletter that their student will be working on this online assignment and may need to be monitored for safety purposes. To ensure that everybody has an equal opportunity to complete the assignment even if technology is not available outside the classroom the teacher can set aside time for the class to work on this assignment in the computer lab or even before and after school. If this strategy still does not work for a student an alternate assignment such as a poster board presentation will then be assigned to that particular student.

4. What do you now know that needs to be considered when using technology in the classroom?
After completing the unit on Global Digital Citizenship I am now aware that technology can open many doors in the classroom if it is used correctly. I know that it is important to educate my students on safety with the internet as well as how to be appropriate and professional when using the internet and even social media. I am aware that some students have limited access to technology and that accommodations need to be made to help the students still be successful with school and their assignments. I am also more aware that it is important to know what each student's home situation is like. I learned that culture needs to be taken into consideration when working with technology in the classroom. Maybe having students create a PowerPoint about holiday traditions isn't the best idea if you know it will be against one of your students cultural beliefs. Finally, it is important to inform your students that cyberbullying is not okay and that they can always come to you as a teacher if they see this happening on social media.


  1. Tayla- I loved your reflection. It was very detailed and I think that PowToon can be used in all educational learning environments which is great! I can see myself also creating bell work with this educational resource. I am glad you talked about using technology safely and responsibly at all times. What are some other ways that PowToon can be used other than in the classroom?

  2. Hi Tayla!

    I loved your presentation on PowToon- it is such a cute website. I had heard of it before, but never knew of all the cool features that it had to offer. This is such a great tool to use to engage young students (and even older high school ones!) during bell work, or assignments such as that.

    One concern that I have, is how useful would it be for older students? Would they find it useful, or would they take it as a joke?

    I loved your reference, thank you again for sharing it!


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